West Union school supply list | New Albany | djournal.com

2022-08-08 02:05:40 By : Ms. Shandy Shi


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2022-2023 West Union Pre-K Supply List

 4 boxes of Crayola 24 count crayons

 1 pack of Crayola washable markers (broad tip)

 1 pack of Elmer’s 6 count glue stick

 2 plastic folders with prongs and pockets (Five-Star brand)

 2 three-ring zipper pouch (clear plastic front)

 1 change of clothes (in Ziploc bag labeled with child’s name)

 Boys: 1 box of gallon size Ziploc freezer bags

 Girls: 1 box of quart size Ziploc freezer bags

2022-2023 West Union Kindergarten Supply List

 2 zipper pencil pouches with clear front and 3 prongs

 1 1” white clear view 3 ring binder

 2 plastic Mead Five Star Folders with 3 prongs

 4 boxes of Crayola Crayons 24 count

 1 pack of black dry erase markers

Boys: Gallon Ziploc bags, White Cardstock , Watercolor Paint

Girls: Quart Ziploc bags, Crayola Markers, Colored Cardstock

2022-2023 West Union 1st Grade Supply List

 2 plastic folder with pockets and prongs (no black)

 1 Mead primary K-2 writing journal

 1 pencil/crayon pouch (cloth and flat)

 1 pack of pink bar erasers

 1- 1st grade writing tablets

 1 two pocket folders (no prongs)

 1 pack of glue sticks (3 sticks)

Boys: wide tip expo dry erase markers

Girls: 1 pack colored copy paper (Not construction paper)

Sharpie markers, cardstock, white copy paper, sheet protectors, snack size Ziploc bags, laminating sheets, tab dividers, fine tip expo markers

2022-2023 West Union 2nd Grade Supply List

 1 pack of pencil top erasers

 1 pack of notebook paper (wide ruled)

Girls: 1 box of quart Ziploc bags

Boys: 1 box of gallon Ziploc bags

white or color copy paper, Expo markers, Lysol spray/wipes, colored card stock, hand sanitizer, white out tape, post it notes

2022-2023 West Union 3rd Grade Supply List

 1 pack of 4 black Expo markers

 2 composition notebooks (NO spirals or wires)

 2 plastic folder with pockets and prongs

 1 pack of loose leaf paper

 Girls: 1 box of quart Ziploc bags

 Boys: 1 canister of Clorox wipes

colored or white copy paper, colored cardstock

2022-2023 West Union 4th Grade Supply List

2022-2023 West Union 5th Grade Supply List

 4 packs college-ruled loose leaf notebook paper

 1 - pack of dividers with pockets (5 count)

 1 binder that zips (preferred brands: Mead 5Star or Case-It)

 1 - spiral notebook, college ruled, 3 subject

 2 - folders, 3 pronged with pockets

 1 - box crayons/colored pencils (24 pack)

 1 - pencil pouch (zipper preferred)

 1 - pack of cap erasers

 2 - Ticonderoga or USA Gold #2 pencils (24 pack)

 1 - pack of black Expo markers (2 count)

Girls: Quart Ziploc bags, paper towels

Boys: Gallon Ziploc bags, Kleenex

2022-2023 West Union 6th Grade Supply List

 1 Zip binder (Mead Five Star)

 1 zipper pencil pouch with holes for binder

 1 pack of black Expo markers

Girls: 1 container of Clorox wipes

white copy paper, colored copy paper, black expo markers

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